“Manga Title: Gelateria Supernova”
In the bustling digital world, Tomoaki’s life takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a mysterious stranger in the depths of an online dating site. Their identities shrouded in anonymity, they forge a connection solely through their nondescript usernames. Little did Tomoaki know that this chance encounter would unravel into a complex web of emotions and desires.
Their rendezvous become a ritualistic affair, revolving around the quaint ambiance of Supernova, the neighborhood gelato shop. Each meeting is a delicate dance, as they indulge in the sweet taste of forbidden pleasures before retreating to the shadows of Tomoaki’s abode, where passion ignites in the secrecy of the night.
But as the seasons change, so do the dynamics of their clandestine affair. What was once a casual encounter begins to morph into something deeper for Tomoaki. He finds himself ensnared in the intricate threads of emotion, grappling with newfound feelings that threaten to unravel the carefully constructed façade of their arrangement.
Amidst the whirlwind of desire and uncertainty, Tomoaki grapples with the haunting question: is he the only one succumbing to the allure of their forbidden love? As doubts plague his mind, he navigates the treacherous terrain of his heart, torn between surrendering to the intoxicating pull of his emotions or safeguarding himself from the inevitable heartache that looms on the horizon.
Year: 2014
- BL
- Drama
- Romance
- Yaoi
- Adult Couples
- Age Gap
- Mature Romance
In the backdrop of Gelateria Supernova, a tale of love, longing, and self-discovery unfolds, blurring the lines between desire and devotion in a world where passion knows no boundaries. Will Tomoaki yield to the tempestuous currents of his heart, or will he retreat into the safety of familiarity, forever haunted by the ghost of what could have been?