الأدوية و العقاقير الطبية

مدروكسي بروجستيرون لمنع الحمل

name_of_drug = Medroxyprogesterone,use_case_for_drug = Birth Control,review_by_patient = “I've been on depo since I was 18, I'm now 23. I"ve had no side effects, thankfully. It's really just hit or miss, you wont know until you give it a try. Only complaint I have is my arm is REALLY sore the first day & sometime through the second day after you get the shot. If you do choose to use this form of birth control find out your recommended dose of vitamin C & D, you definitely need these vitamins while taking this drug! I get my shot every 3 months at plan parenthood & pay out of pocket $125, so it's about $40/mo? NOT TOO BAD! I've never became pregnant while using depo & I only have spotting during the two weeks my depo is due so about once every 3 mo.”,effectiveness_rating = 10,drug_approved_by_UIC = 01-Dec-16,number_of_times_prescribed = 10,base_score = 8.574485879إكتب مقال باللغة العربية