name_of_drug = Levonorgestrel,use_case_for_drug = Birth Control,review_by_patient = “I'm a 21 year old college student and I recently had my Mirena inserted for the first time. I was terrified from all the reviews I read beforehand, so I felt the need to share my experience. I took 800mg of ibuprofen an hour before I saw my gynocologist, nonetheless the insertion process was like getting a pap smear only much much worse since I've never had my cervix dialated before. Don't let this hinder you from getting it, it only lasted me 1-2 minutes and being worry-free for the next five years is 100% worth the shortlived pain. Had it inserted Friday and by Sunday I was good as new. No pain, no spotting! And it's been this way for the last month :)”,effectiveness_rating = 10,drug_approved_by_UIC = 15-Dec-15,number_of_times_prescribed = 18,base_score = 6.633970467إكتب مقال باللغة العربية