الأدوية و العقاقير الطبية

إيتونوجيستريل لتحديد النسل

name_of_drug = Etonogestrel,use_case_for_drug = Birth Control,review_by_patient = “Pros: Didn't get pregnant, didn't have to worry about taking a pill everyday. Cons: Facial acne, acne on shoulders, chest, upper arms and back, change in hair/scalp (now itchy and flaky, almost like I have dandruff, and dandruff shampoo doesn't help), controlling of my mood, and no change in cramps. I have mild anxiety and the Nexplanon made it so much worse. Along with that, it's controlling my mood to the point where I am very irritated and angry over the smallest things. I did not have many pimples with a combination birth control pill, and now my face, shoulders, upper arms, chest, and back look like pepperoni pizza. I have never had a scalp issue, and now my head constantly itches and flakes. DON'T DO IT”,effectiveness_rating = 3,drug_approved_by_UIC = 16-Jun-16,number_of_times_prescribed = 1,base_score = 7.049146669إكتب مقال باللغة العربية