الأدوية و العقاقير الطبية

إيتونوجستريل لعلاج الانتباذ الرحمي

name_of_drug = Etonogestrel,use_case_for_drug = Endometriosis,review_by_patient = “I got nexplanon put it in to treat my heavy, painful, & length periods (anywhere from 7 – 30 days) that no pills helped. Can't have estrogen because of chronic migraines. Since getting it inserted in late July, I have had 4 weeks in which I didn't have the same heavy, painful periods 24/7 (It's late February now). I went to the ER twice for severe dehydration (I managed to not be anemic enough to require a blood transfusion) and received 2 liters of IV fluids each time. I was prescribed meclizine for the constant dizziness from both the hormones themselves AND the constant dehydration, and zofran for the constant nausea. At almost 8 months, it's coming out next week because my body is just deteriorating. Back to square one. Sigh.”,effectiveness_rating = 1,drug_approved_by_UIC = 23-Feb-17,number_of_times_prescribed = 1,base_score = 4.319273404إكتب مقال باللغة العربية