name_of_drug = Citric acid / magnesium oxide / sodium picosulfate,use_case_for_drug = Bowel Preparation,review_by_patient = “I was so very scared of this prep. I was supposed to do my colonoscopy months ago but was first prescribed a gallon jug of crap you mix with lemonade. That suff was so bad I couldn't swallow a sip! Tasted like salty lemonade,very gross. My Dr then sent me to a private Drs office. The office gave me a sample (was enough meds for the prep) of Preponik,cranberry flavor. I had anxiety over taking this med. I took first dose in one gulp,it wasn't good but was not horrible! I freaked myself out for nothing. It cleared me out and didn't give bad side effects. Don't be afraid of this,it's the easiest option I've been given and it worked!!”,effectiveness_rating = 8,drug_approved_by_UIC = 18-Nov-15,number_of_times_prescribed = 10,base_score = 7.736175873إكتب مقال باللغة العربية